
A project from Vincent Janssens, located in the Austrian Alps
1991... a young group of people is boarding along the swiss alps, when one of them strides off the path and into the wilderness...
searching for help, the man enters a cave, his spine shiverring as he enters this mystical place, seemingly unvisited by humans in millions of years..
deep inside the cave he finds a gigantic crystal, filled with all the colors of the known and unknown universe, reaching from the darkest black to eyeblinding colors...
suddenly, the crystal bursts open and shatters across the cave, leaving behind a trail of destruction and a cloud of dust, which starts to take a form..
the form of the ancient god kaikkialla, back on earth after millions of years and intent on spreading his divine message through an auditory medium!
the god then took over the young man, back then known as vincent, and possessed his body and soul to use as a medium..
from that day on, kaikkialla has been roaming the earth, flushing the ears and minds of young souls with thundering basslines and brainripping fms... planting tiny little crystals in their brains as he goes on, leaving them helpless and entranced...